Creative Veterans Day Program Ideas For Church

Veterans day also known as Armistice Day is a national holiday celebrated annually on November 11 in the United States to honor the veterans, who are people who have served the US military or armed forces and now have retired or those who have been discharged from the military.

The celebrations include spending time with the family and engage into stories from the battlefield. Local churches also contribute in this celebration by hosting get together and honouring the veterans. If your local church needs some ideas for the celebrations you are absolutely in the right place!


The church holds a special place in people’s heart and so does the veteran! A celebration for the veteran at the church would not only bring happiness to the veteran but also would engage the local people into teamwork and bring the neighbourhood closer. 

So here is a list of Veterans Day Program Ideas for church:


You can start off by telling the small children in your neighbourhood to create small cards for the veteran. You can tell them to draw or maybe even write a nice message for them. Children have their own style to make way to someone’s heart. May I suggest a little extra? Maybe add some photos of your family on the card, as I am sure a veteran would love to see who has sent them the card. 


Gather around all the youngsters in your area and ask them to deliver speeches or their views on Veterans Day. It is important for everyone to know the value of those people who have sacrificed their life so as to achieve the freedom we so dearly love today.

 Encourage the veteran to tell share their stories and experiences during the time they were away. You may even propose that parents arrange for their children to engage the veteran in an interview may be asking them about the most memorable moments in their years of service.


Plan a communion or a prayer service where the church prays for those who are currently on active duty. You can call the families of those currently serving in the military and light a candle in their honor. This will prove to be a kind gesture from the neighbourhood and hope for the family.




Best way to make any celebration memorable is by giving a gift, so that the person would be always reminded of the day. You can buy them badges representing the country’s flag or a hat that has the flag printed on it. 


If you want a cost-effective gift then a handmade gift would be perfect for you. You can search for the achievements of the veteran and make a collage by printing them out and writing inspiring quotes. This would make the perfect and most memorable gift. You may also include a photo frame of the veteran’s family. 


Veterans Day is all about making the ones who served their nation feel special, let’s make the most of it. Perhaps good gifts for veterans at church will help them feel even more special?


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